
Archive for december, 2020

Ballistics Ammo chart updated for 12.9

by on dec.27, 2020, under tarkov

Huge thanx to the wiki and nofoodaftermidnight for their tremendous job! All the information on this ammo page is based upon their knowledge and information.

If you find something that seems to be wrong or not updated, please let me know so I can update it asap! Good luck on the wipe all!

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Main Woods map updated

by on dec.27, 2020, under tarkov

Creds to Jindouz for creating this version of the new Woods expansion. I will be updating the other versions of the map, but keeping them atm since stashes are pretty much the same in the old part

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12.9 is live!

by on dec.24, 2020, under tarkov

Stay tuned for updated woods maps and ammo updates

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