Author Archive
Great Youtube movie: Signs
by Rizo on feb.23, 2009, under Uncategorized
Fantastic movie and the guy is a really good actor. One can seriously feel his anxiety.
Webbased MSN, AIM, ICQ, Jabber and so on
by Rizo on feb.23, 2009, under Uncategorized
I’m truly impressed with The page will give you access to pretty much every chat protocol out there. Since my Tele2 3g modem is totally worthless and I pretty much never get it to work, I needed to find a web based msn. A colleague of mine recomeded it and its truly easy to use. Other webbased msn always keep opening new windows for each chatwindow and its really slow aswell. Meebo simply opens the chatwindows within the page (which is pretty much like a desktop) and gives you a nice overview of them. There’s no slowdown either, it feels pretty much like a stand-alone client.
Thumbs up!
New Nvidia Drivers
by Rizo on feb.19, 2009, under Gaming
Sweet news for Nvidia owners as new drivers have arrived the scene and they are said to improve games like Left4 Dead, Fear 2 and a few more. Download it and install it pronto! 🙂
Customizing the PasswordRecovery Control .Net
by Rizo on feb.19, 2009, under Developing
The PasswordRecovery control is very handy and you can pretty much use it out of the box. But the design might not fit in your site and the styles provided by the control itself might not be what you need. But it’s rather easy to customize the way you want it too. I posted earlier how you could set a PasswordRecovery up and here we’ll look how we can customize it a bit further more.
Here’s an example
[sourcecode language=’html’]
There are three templates to customize, usernametemplate, successtemplate and questiontemplate. If nothing is changed the control will render a table which you can customize with the help of the inbuilt styles. But I reckon that it’s better to have full control on how you are rendering things. Basicly, you can take any of the ”xxxxxText” properties and make a literal or label out of it, just take away the Text part. e.g. UserNameTitleText is aquired by giving a literal/label the id of UserNameTitle and so forth (see the code above). The properties you might want to add is the success and failure text. Remember to add a literal for the failure text. The ID for UserNameFailure is FailureText. Also, last but not least, the button must have the CommandName ”Submit” or else it won’t work.
London, mitt 30 års firande.
by Rizo on feb.17, 2009, under Personal, Pictures
Den 14e februari fyllde jag 30 år och detta firade vi med en weekend till London, bara Sara och jag. Vi har inte rest utanför Sverige (nåja, finland har vi åkt färja till) tillsammans sen 2000 och det var onekligen spännande. Som present fick jag även gå på FA cup matchen mellan West Ham – Middlesbrough och vilken känsla det var! underbar fotbollskultur och man kunde verkligen känna det sekunden man lämnade tunnelbanan. Ska inte beskriva resan för mycket då Sara kommer att köra en lite mera ”djup” rapport från själva resan men jag tänkte länka upp lite bilder som vi tog under helgens gång 🙂
Lite kort om det som hände:
* vi körde till fel parkering i arlanda och kom inte ut
* vi kom just när boardingen skulle ske (skön timing 😉 )
* tog tåget från flyget men hoppade på fel buss och hamnade långt åt h-e.
* tog fel buss igen
* gick och gick och gick
* London eye var fantastiskt!
* Big Ben var inte så big som man trodde, dock vacker från långt håll
* London älskar högklackat
* vi var med en ”Silent disco” event i Trafalgar Square som var facebook uppstyrt, rätt häftigt
* Sara hittade en ”present” när hon var på toa i Scotch Steakhouse vilket förövrigt tog 50kr för två glas kranvatten
* Vi blev ombedda att planka tunnelbanan av själva tunnelbanavakten. Han var supertrevlig 🙂
* Upton Park har en magnifik fotbollskänsla. Läktarkulturen var oslagbar!
* Biljetterna som Sara hade fixat var fenomenala! Jag kunde känna svettlukten från ’Boros avbytarbänk! 😀
* vi gick och gick ännu mer
* Sara fick feber
och mycket mycket mer hände men det tar vi sen annars kommer jag aldrig att posta bilderna i väntan på att vi ska orka skriva något mer om det hela 🙂
Tip of the day: Styling input fields
by Rizo on feb.12, 2009, under Design
I’m fiddling around with input styling and runned across this really nice article regarding styling input styles. Gives you a few nice tips and tricks to make your otherwise ugly input fields to nicelooking (and still userfriendly) input fields. Take a look at it
ClassFactoryException: ClassFactory not initialized After EPiServer 5 Migration
by Rizo on feb.11, 2009, under Developing
This is a common error to get after migration to EPiServer 5 and happens when you do the migration itself on a machine running IIS7, because the migration will make your web.config configured for IIS7, then when you take it to your developing machine that is running IIS6 you’ll get this error. What you need to do is take away the IIS7 settings and implement the IIS6 ones. Biggest difference is that IIS6 uses <system.web>(Integrated mode) and IIS6 uses <system.webserver>(Classic mode).
IIS6 Example:
[sourcecode language=’xml’]
IIS7 example
[sourcecode language=’xml’]
The examples are taken from the EPiServer documentation and you can read more about this issue there.
Easy fix:
Easiest way for you to fix this is to simply install a new EPiServer 5 solution on your machine that is running IIS6, copy the web.config and add your specific changes to that web.config.
Tip of the day:More about User-friendly and good looking menus
by Rizo on feb.10, 2009, under Design, Developing
I’ve recently posted about goodlooking menus, but now I’ve found this great article that contains as much as 50 example on good looking and user-friendly menus. Totally worth a look!
Ebbas film premiär!
by Rizo on feb.08, 2009, under Fun
En tråkig söndag eftermiddag satt vi och lekte med dockorna. Ebba har alltid så roliga lekar så vi bestämde oss för att helt enkelt ta och göra en liten film av det 🙂 Så här blev resultatet av Ebbas Dockteater!
Picture of the day: Orchide Closeup
by Rizo on feb.07, 2009, under Pictures
21 Comments :Closeup, Orchide more...