

Reserve got a hot new update!

by on jun.30, 2020, under tarkov

I’ve wandered around the tunnels of Reserve in search for some sweet loot and really being a safe way up to the dome and extraction. I never liked the hermetic door nor the train. Now Reserve is connected underground with the main buildings and it’s brilliant! New extraction and a LOT of firefight.
Maybe it’s time to stick to the outdoors now 🙂

Do you know of an updated map? please let me know so I can add it to the maps page

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Stacking backpacks now prohibited on your character

by on jun.29, 2020, under tarkov

BSG keeps on working towards a better solution to fight off Real Money Transfers and cheating. This time they are hitting on the stacking of bags on a character.

Their official tweet:

The change affects the bigger backpacks that had more inventory slots than they took up, like beta2. The smaller backpacks, berkut and below are still able to stack in character.

Do you have stacked backpacks on your character? this reddit post by saviorx32s might help you out then

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Gunsmith Part 4: M4A1 a cheaper alternative

by on jun.25, 2020, under tarkov, Uncategorized

Reddit user UltraeVires has posted a much cheaper alternative than the one found on the official Wiki.

You can find his post here or just read below:

Most people are using the Wiki to complete these quests:


The Magpul M-LOK and the Hogue pistol grip cannot be bought at Traders, so are each at an extortionate ₽60,000+ on the Flea Market at time of posting (currently there aren’t any Hogue’s left at all).

I played around with the attachments and came across a cheaper alternative, saving +₽60,000:

  • Magpul MOE AR-15 Pistol Grip – the two colour options are going for around ₽20,000 on Flea
  • Magpul M-LOK 4.1 inch guide – Mechanic LL2, ₽1,600
  • Attach the above to any foregrip with +6 ergonomics or higher, I used;
    Zenit RK-5 – Skier LL3 or ₽10,000 on Flea
    (I haven’t tried: KAC vertical pistol grip / Tango Down stubby)

This leaves the build short by +2 ergo, so I replaced the stock charge handle:

  • Raptor Charging Handle for AR-15 – Skier LL3 or ₽20,000 on Flea
    – or –
  • Geissele ACH charging handle for AR-15 – ₽10,000 on Flea (few get listed)

This can save you at least ₽60k at the current Flea prices. Be sure to thank me by chucking my gear in a bush.

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.366 ammo changes

by on jun.24, 2020, under tarkov

.366 ammo has gotten a small buff, giving all three sorts more damage and EKO and FMJ getting more armor dmg as well. Check it out at the ammo page

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Patch 12.6.7 updated ammo stats for 5.56

by on jun.22, 2020, under tarkov

As always, Battlestate enjoys changing stuff without telling us. And it’s actually a good thing. I enjoy finding out changes as they come and not on a generic patch notes list. There’s been some changes to hideout crafting as well and sadly a barter that we all loved has been removed. Two hotrods for a stack of BS ammo.

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First look at Customs expansion in Escape From Tarkov

by on jun.20, 2020, under tarkov, Uncategorized

Battlestate games has released a few images from the customs expansion. They posted them on reddit and they really do look juicy!








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Added recommended videos for all maps

by on jun.15, 2020, under tarkov, Uncategorized

There is a lot of great content out there for Escape from Tarkov, specially when it comes to loot and guides for maps. I’ve gathered some recommended videos for each of the maps, giving you stash locations, walk-throughs and much more.

If you think that I’ve missed a specific great video for a specific map or perhaps have suggestions for content? Let me know!

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Tarkov Stream Drops are live!

by on jun.14, 2020, under tarkov

Find someone new to follow on Twitch or just go in it for the sweet sweet loot! Either way, BFT has enabled great Drops from 11th of june until 22th!

You need to link your twitch account to your Tarkov Profile (link to an image of the profile page) and just watch a stream!

Not all the streams will give you drops though. Here’s the official list. Just choose the day and pick one of the many streamers that have drops enabled that day.

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by on jun.14, 2020, under tarkov

Patch is out and live! Some QoL changes but most of all, my favorite ”Sound of movement while crouched and on minimal speed is now more quiet”!

You can read the entire patch notes here

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Tarkov-Helper news

by on jun.14, 2020, under tarkov

I’m very glad that people are finding their way to Tarkov-Helper and using it more and more. I’m taking it a step forward and adding a news section to the page. Patch notes, new features and such will be posted here as soon as I possibly can 🙂

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