Tag: Softlinks
EPiServer CMS5 Softlinks. How to find a documents linking pages
by Rizo on jun.25, 2009, under Developing
Using EPiServers softlink can really come in handy in different situations. Mostly of course when you need to gather information from the linked pages of a document.
Here’s an example on how to use this:
Example in VB.Net
[sourcecode language=’vb.net’]
Dim f As EPiServer.Web.Hosting.UnifiedFile = TryCast(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.VirtualPathProvider.GetFile(filename), EPiServer.Web.Hosting.UnifiedFile)
Dim filecollection As EPiServer.DataAbstraction.SoftLinkCollection = EPiServer.DataAbstraction.SoftLink.Load(f)
For Each file As EPiServer.DataAbstraction.SoftLink In filecollection
Dim ref As New PageReference
ref = file.OwnerPageLink
’now you can work your magic
Example in C#:
[sourcecode language=’c#’]
EPiServer.Web.Hosting.UnifiedFile f = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.VirtualPathProvider.GetFile(filename) as EPiServer.Web.Hosting.UnifiedFile;
EPiServer.DataAbstraction.SoftLinkCollection filecollection = EPiServer.DataAbstraction.SoftLink.Load(f);
foreach (EPiServer.DataAbstraction.SoftLink file in filecollection) {
PageReference ref = new PageReference();
ref = file.OwnerPageLink;
//now you can work your magic
So what you need to do is pretty much to load up the file reference into a softlink and fill a softlinkcollection with that. Then just run a for each on the collection (since a document can have several linking pages). Once you get your reference, you can just do a getpage on the ref and grab whatever you need from the linking page.